Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's Caucus Time!

Guess what? It's Iowa Caucus day!!! What is a caucus, you ask? It's not a chicken-like cactus, or a really obnoxious cough. It's the first presidential primary of 2008 and the kick off to the 2008 presidential elections. The nice citizens of Iowa have watched numerous songs and dances performed by each candidate to try to win their support. Kind of like Presidential Idol, or you could say the real American Idol contest. So after almost a year of wooing those Iowans, the candidates will finally see who stands in their line (see caucus process) and if they have any hope for the candidacy. So all I have to say is those Iowans better be smart and vote right, because a whole lot counts for such a small number of people. And then it's on to New Hampshire!
What a way to start the new year, huh?
Other than that it's Texoma game night. We get to play a tree and her sister dopey! yippee! That's ok. You know we have a brick wall defense! hiya! you better watch it tree! sucka!


Ryan M said...

Good linkage. You need to send all your friends links to your blog on facebook so they read it.

Ryan M said...

I watched CNNHD for like 3 hours. Back in the day when I couldn't sleep I read. Maybe being an adult and having a TV in my room isn't such a good thing.

Mel said...

sure it is! for those 3 hours lost of sleep you gained three hours worth of politcal information. how exciting ;)

Ryan M said...

Yeah except I watched the same things twice cause, just like SportsCenter, they just replay the same things over and over. hah

Mel said...

at least it wasnt headline, then you wouldve seen it 6xs

Ryan M said...

Yeah, well, I guess I got the dominant genes.
ha, you'll change in college. Especially if you have a roommate!